In Honor of International No-Diet Day

…I wrote a poem. It’s called, “I Was Good Today.” I hope you like it. 🙂

I Was Good Today

Now, I was good today.
The cravings found no purchase, gained no ground.
I saw, I turned my head, temptation fell, slain by my strength.
I was so good today.
Now, I was good today.
Their talk at lunch could not sway me, I
did not falter, nor give in. Some will of granite stored within
was drawn upon, made melt their castles built on sand.
I held that fork with an unshaking hand.
So good, so good this day.
Now, I was good today.
That empty hole, around which I
had orbited since junior high,
was filled. Was filled! Was there, no more.
So good, this simple day—
I fed myself, I loved myself, I banished my self-hate.
Temptations to restrict were felled, cravings to purge were slain.
I took the “T” off “DIET,” and I chose the other way.
To live, to live, to live—
now, I was good today.

May 6, 2008

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